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normalized difference vegetation index中文是什么意思

用"normalized difference vegetation index"造句"normalized difference vegetation index"怎么读"normalized difference vegetation index" in a sentence


  • 标准化植被差异指数
  • 归一化差异植被指数


  • Advances in drought monitoring by using remotely sensed normalized difference vegetation index and land surface temperature products
  • Then based on the method of dimidiate pixel model , the current model is improved , and the model of deriving vegetation fraction from normalized difference vegetation index ( ndvi )
  • This technique is mainly involved two steps : 1 ) vegetation effects correction : we used ndvi ( normalized difference vegetation index ) derived from tm and avhrr measurements for spatial and temporal variations of vegetation covers at different scales
  • After analysis of tm / etm + data ' s advantage over the forest change detection , tasseled cap transformation , principal component analysis and normalized difference vegetation index were chosen to enhance the vegetation spectral information . expert classification system was adopted to extract the main tree species in the littoral shelter forest
    在分析etm +数据在森林资源监测中的优势的基础上,通过缨帽变换、主成分分析和植被指数法增强植被光谱信息,结合专家分类系统对沿海防护林主要树种进行提取。
  • The authors have developed a device for measuring the normalized difference vegetation index ( ndvi ) by using four specially designed photoelectric detectors ; the ndvi can reflect the growing information and seasonal nitrogen fertilizer requirement of crops , and offers guidance for rational application of nitrogen fertilization
  • Firstly , this dissertation estimated the size of carbon source ; sink and net carbon sink of farmland ecosystems in china costal regions ( including ten provinces ) with statistic data from 1981 to 2001 , which include data of crop yield and agricultural consumptions . then analyzed the temporal - spatial differences of carbon source , sink and net carbon sink of china costal farmland ecosystems . secondly , estimated npp ( net primary productivity ) of farmland ecosystems in china costal regions with per month noaa - avhrr ndvi ( normalized difference vegetation index ) data and estimation model
    本文首先运用1981 - 2001年的统计资料(作物产量和各种途径的农业投入数据) ,对沿海十省区农田生态系统碳源汇及净碳汇进行了估算,并分析了其时空差异;然后运用1998年逐月ndvi数据通过建模对沿海地区农田生态系统npp进行了估算,并分析了npp分布与农田生态系统碳吸收的相关性;最后通过对农田生态系统碳源汇的影响因素分析,提出了不同的农田生态系统碳增汇减排技术。
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